Friday, 7 March 2008

And so it begins

As I said in my first post it would seem that development may be about to start in earnest so I took my trusty camera out for a walk and snapped some pictures of the current state of play

The development is in two main parts. At the bottom of the hill they're building a few hundred houses (Directly across from my house) and at the top of the hill they're building what has been described as a parkland area. Basically a wooded park that will no doubt fall into disuse and neglect as the council realises how expensive it is to maintain. Time will tell no doubt.

First here's a shot of the field opposite my house


As you can see the hedgerow is totally gone. Just like that years and years of growth and wildlife destroyed. I don't even know why. Surely having a real live hedgerow at the end of your garden would be a selling point? It'll be very interesting to see what if anything it is eventually replaced with.

This next shot is the same place but a slightly different angle. This time facing down the hill towards the rather nice railway museum we have here.


Coming soon! Eventually anyway :)


The next photo is the area at the top of the hill where they plan to build the wooded park. At the moment all I know about this is that the developers are obliged to look after it for the first 12 months. After that I would presume that duty would fall to the council and the costs no doubt passed onto us via the council tax.


I'll see what I can do about getting some scans up of the development plans in a future post. I've seen the proposed layout but I'm not sure if I still have a copy.

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