Saturday, 8 March 2008

Missing plans and a distinct lack of information

I've been having a look around the Sedgefield Council Planning applications website and it makes for some very interesting reading.

You can access it here

If you do an applicant search for Theakston Estates you can see the original applications and the conditions for their approval

This is the Spout Lane application

This is the Dale road car park application. (Currently being constructed)

and this is the George Reynolds industrial estate application.

One thing to note about all three of these is the distinct lack of plans available online and for the main Spout Lane development I can find no trace of a subsequent application for the reserved items before the 3 year deadline expired. I've emailed the council to ask for information about these applications and the associated plans in the hope we can find out exactly what's going on for all three projects. As far as I can tell from reading the Spout Lane application (And I admit I don't really understand the rules governing this sort of thing) nobody should have removed any hedgerows without permission from the council so hopefully information on that should be forthcoming. I'll post their response when I receive it. Hopefully that should only be a few days. On previous occasions when I've emailed the council they've been very quick with a response.

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